Hostfamily letter (PPP)

Vielleicht könntet ihr hier mal drüber lesen und mir Tipps und Verbesserungsvorschläge da lassen.
Danke im Vorraus :slight_smile:

Dear Host family,

my name is *** and I’m 16 years old.
First I want to say thank you that you’re thinking about choosing me. I’m very happy about that and I know it is a big responsibility. In this letter I would like you to tell you something about me, my family and my hobbies.

I was born on *** 1996 in ***. Now I live with my mother and my stepfather in a little town near ***.
My mom *** was born on *** in 1968. She works as a chef secretary in a mechanic garage.
My father ***was born on the *** in 1970. He and my mother are married since 2010 and he is like my real dad. He has his own business with finance and insurance.
I don’t have siblings. But I have a little dog. Her name is *** and she is also a member of our family. We got her as she was a little puppy. Now she is 2 years old and still our little crazy dog. She is a pug mix.
My grandparents *** and *** are also very important for me. They don’t live far from our house, so we see us as often as possible. I normally go them every Sunday with our dog. They really love our dog. Then we often talk about our week, play with my dog and going out in their garden. They have kitchen garden so we often get fresh vegetables.
I have a really good and close relationship with my family and I really love spending time with them. We have always a lot of fun together.

Now I will describe a little bit of myself:
I’m a really active and sporty person. My favorite kinds of sport are soccer and the gym. I have soccer practice 2 times a week. I play together with 14 other girls. I really love them. We always have a lot of fun together. And together we have made a lot experience. In 2012 we went to London for a weekend trip. We had a great time and saw a lot. This year, 2013, we moved to Paris for another weekend trip. It was great! We saw so much and had a wonderful time. Another big part in my life is the gym. I go to the gym for 4-5 times a week. Normally I spend there 3 hours. I go to the gym to keep myself fit. Often I’m the only girl but I like the guys there. They’re really friendly. I really enjoy going to the gym. It’s kind of a time-out.
Also I’m a very friendly and helpful person. I often help my classmates if they didn’t understood all. Our class has a very good relationship and we almost like each other. We have a lot of fun together and we often spend time together, also after school.
Besides sport I love to spend time with friends. I have many friends but only some really good friends. And with them I often spend time. We go out to the lake, watching movies and something like this. With my girls I do the normal girly stuff like shopping or wellness. I really enjoy the time with my friends.
Another big and important part of my life is the school. Maybe I’m not a normal teenager, but I really like going to school. I like it because I can learn a lot of new things and it makes a lot of fun. I always have good grades. But not for my parents. I do this because I want to have good grades. I want to have a good job and I want to have a good future. So I have to work for it! My favorite subjects at school are English, German, History, Sport and social sciences. I also have some extracurricular activities. I made a training as a sport assistant. There we organize sport events and something like this. Another extracurricular activities is that I will go to the rest home once a week and spend some time with the inhabitant from September. I already did this one year ago. But then the demand wasn’t big enough so we had to cancel the group. But now we start with the new school year a new group and I really like this. My Grandma goes to the rest home once a week too. Despite she is already 80 she is still really fit and works with people who are younger than her. I think that’s kind of funny.

Now I want to explain, why I want to make an exchange year in the USA. Since I was a little girl I wanted to go to the USA even if it’s only for holidays. Then, when I got older, I got more interested in exchanges years. I wanted to live the American lifestyle. I wanted to go to a typical American high school and feel the spirit. I wanted to improve my English and getting a second family. And I also wanted to get more independent. I ordered a lot of brochures. I read them all and my wish, to stay a year abroad, grew and grew. I wasn’t sour, what my parents will say about my plans. As I told them about it, they couldn’t share my happiness. They said, sad it’s not possible. It’s to cheap. I was very sad. I didn’t wanted to give up my dream. One year later my best friend *** decided to make an exchange year in the USA. 6 months later, the day when he leaved. I brought him to the airport and was so sad! And a little bit jealous. 1 month before Christmas, my mother said they have an early Christmas gift for me. A ticket to the U.S.! I was freaking out. I would visit my best friend in the USA. And one month later I sat in the plane on my way to the USA. The two weeks were great. I saw a lot and had a lot of fun. And since this two weeks my American dream was bigger than before. I searched for different grant and than I found the PPP. I was pretty excited and so I decided to apply. And now my dream comes true. I can live the American lifestyle. I can live in an American family. I can get a lot of new friends, a new family and a second home. I can live my dream.

Now I hope I could introduce myself well and you will choose me as your exchange student. I’m looking forward to meet you next summer and I am sure, we will have a great time!


Hey. Also der bericht ist an sich sehr interessant geschrieben, hat aber ein paar(teils gravierende) fehler. Zum Beispiel ist “too cheap“ nicht zu teuer, sondern bedeutet: zu billig. Wenn du magst, kannst du mir den text ja mal als pn schicken und ich schreib dir rein, was ich anders machen würde :slight_smile:

Ich würde die von Pikachu angesprochene Stelle auf jeden Fall ganz rausnehmen.
Klar musst du nicht vor deiner Gastfamilie verstecken, dass du nicht viel Geld hast, aber ich würde das auf keinen Fall so deutlich bereits im Gastfamilienbrief rausstellen. Das klingt fast nach einer Verpflichtung für die Gastfamilie, dir alles Mögliche zu bezahlen.

Du dürftest ja bereits wissen, dass das PPP ein Stipendium für politisch interessierte Schüler ist und nicht nach den finanziellen Verhältnissen vergeben wird. Wenn das bei dir zusammenpasst, hast du viel Glück. Trotzdem gehört es nicht gleich in den Gastfamilienbrief, vor allem nicht so ausführlich. Wenn du es in einem Satz schreiben würdest, irgendwie “I was very lucky to get the CBYX-scholarship because otherwise it would have been hard to afford my dream to come to the US.” Das wäre halbwegs kurz und würde den Punkt klarstellen. Aber auch nur wenn es garnicht anders geht. Hm, eigentlich würde ich es echt nicht reinschreiben.

Leisten könntest du es dir eh, das rauszunehmen, weil der Brief schon relativ lang ist. Also länger sollte er nicht mehr werden, gerade wenn du ihn nicht mit der Hand abschreibst und/oder noch etwas von deinen Eltern dazukommt.

Lass es wie gesagt auf jeden Fall noch mal von einem kompetenten Englischsprecher korrigieren.

Kann mich nur Gespenst anschließen: Du sollest deinen letter unbedingt korrigieren lassen. Vielleicht kannst du deinen Englischlehrer darum bitten,

Ups, kann man alte Beiträge nicht mehr editieren?
Ich meinte natürlich “gerade wenn du ihn NOCH mit der Hand abschreibst”.

@ Gespenst: hmmmmm? ich kann meine Beiträge noch editieren. :confused: Wir hatten intern aber darüber diskutiert, die Funktion so umzustellen, dass nachträgliche Änderungen, die nach mehr als 10 Minuten erfolgen, vom Moderatoren-Team freigegeben werden müssen, weil neuerdings Unmengen an Spam / Werbung im Forum gepostet wird, und wir dem einen Riegel vorschieben wollen. Evtl. hat das dazu geführt, dass ungewollt die Änderungsfunktion blockiert wurde? Werde ich mal nachforschen…

Liebe Grüße,

Nope, ich nicht mehr, sobald ein Post danach geschrieben wurde.
Aber gehört hier ja nicht rein. (Macht man ja auch eher selten)