Brief an potentielle Gastfamilie

Hey, ich hab gerade den Brief an meine potentielle Gastfamilie geschrieben und würde es wirklich toll finden, wenn ihr mir mit Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen helfen würdet. Schon mal vielen Dank im Voraus!

Dear future host family,

first of all, I want to thank you for considering me to be a part of your family for one year. So that you can get to know me better, I would like to tell you a little bit about me and why I would like to do an exchange year in Australia.

My name ist XXX. I am 15 years old and currently in the 10th grade. Me and my family live in Germany in a place called XXX. XXX is a mid-sized city in the XXX of Germany. Our house is right next to the XXX forest.

I have a pretty large family. My closest family consist of my mother XXX, my father XXX, my older sister XXX and my younger brother XXX. My father works as a XXX. My mother is a XXX.

In my freetime I often hang out with friends, I swim a lot and do artistic swimming. I also play volleyball (me and a friend just started in a club), I love to bake and listen to music.
I also do a lot of volunteering, I train little kids in my artistic swimming club and also did a swimming lifesaver for it. I am a learn tutor for 5th graders, lead a science club für 5th graders, I am youth worker in church and do environmental work in the UNESCO club of my school.

When I meet friends we often do fun-activities like ice-skating or caraoke, we go to a coffeshop, go shopping, make movie-nights or we just hang out together.

My parents work very much. But I really enjoy the time I spend with my family, for example our vacations, the holidays that we celebrate in a larger family circle and spending time with my sister. My family is very active. We do skiing a lot and on summer vacations we try out surfing for a while.

I asked my friends and family how they would describe my personality. They describe me as open, communicative, humorous, extroverted, spontanous, fun-loving and that I am always good to laugh with.

I always dreamed of spending a school-year in a foreign country since I was about 7. The reason why I would love to go to Australia is not only because I want to improve my English skills. I also want to learn about the Australian culture, find new friends, learn about Australian family-life, about the Australian school system and try out new subjects, that we don´t have in Germany, and of course the great weather. In Australia I would be happy to improve my surfing skills and I hope to make many new experiences and try out new things. My dream is to see a dolphin.

Thank you for reading this letter. I am very grateful that I might become a part of your family and hope that after this time in your family Australia will become a second home to me. I also hope that I can give you something back, for example by telling you something about the German culture and cooking a German meal for you.

Best regards

Ich finde deinen Brief super.

Der meines Sohnes war sehr ähnlich und er hat eine tolle Gastfamilie in Kapstadt gefunden. Er ist auch Schwimmer und Rettungsschwimmer und leitet die Jugendgruppe seiner DLRG Organisation hier.

Direkt am Meer. Er ist dort super glücklich gerade und seine Familie hat ihn ausgesucht, weil die Interessen sehr ähnlich sind.

Von daher, super, dass du deine Interessen so begeistert beschreibst. Vielleicht solltest du noch ergänzen, ob du die Aktivitäten unbedingt während des Auslandsjahres fortsetzen möchtest oder ob das nicht sein muss. Es muss ja dort wo du hingehst auch Angebote geben.

Wo möchtest du denn hin zum Auslandsjahr?

Danke! Es hat mir sehr geholfen, dass du dir meinen Brief durchgelesen hast. Ich freue mich, dass du ihn gut findest.
Zu schreiben, ob man seine Hobbies weitermachen möchte, finde ich einen super Tipp! Ich hatte noch gar nicht drüber nachgedacht, dass die Familie ja auch überlegt, ob meine Hobbies zu ihr und der Schule oä. passen.
Ich möchte gerne an die Küste nach Queensland, Australien.